Earlier this week I was so excited to receive snail mail! Actually it was really mail for my daughter, but in the envelope was something that totally put a smile on my face and brightened my day and week.
It was a simple drawing, but the fact that a friend took the time to send me a message through a cute picture meant the world to me. Thanks Cheryl! I miss you and the kids more than you know!
I realize more than ever that I have the most thoughtful and caring friends and family. Don't get me wrong, It's not like I didn't know this before. I've always thought the world of my friends and family and have always appreciated them. However, with recent events and a lot of reflection, I have been reminded of how special they really are and how thankful I am to have them in my life. So today I'm counting my blessings. Since I can't really document all my conversations, encounters and emotions, I will post a few material things that I appreciate because I can actually photograph them.
A Kuhn Rikon Frosting Decorating Pen. I have tried my hand at decorating cakes and cupcakes and I'm probably the world's worst cake decorator, but maybe I'll become one of the best with this handy tool. Okay that might be total wishful thinking, but one thing is for sure, and that is that I'm going to have fun trying.
A Wusthof Santoku knife and sharpener. My awesome friend had no idea that I have been wanting Wusthof knives for ages, but great minds think alike, right? Thanks Dendra for the decorating pen and knife, I LOVE them! You are always so thoughtful and generous!
Two pairs of brand new Danskos! Not sure if Danskos are a big deal anywhere else, but they sure are here! Being the lazy person that I am, I love the convenience of slip-on shoes and the best part is they can be worn with casual or work attire. Guess I should start looking for a job now! Thank you Frank and Tim for such a generous gift!
Again, these items are just a few examples. There are so many people out there that I am grateful for and not just because of the gifts they give. I won't lie, I love presents, but more than anything I would like to express my gratitude for the friendship, support and love. Quyana Cakneq!